Sunday, October 16, 2011

Izzy making Apple Juice!

We had a great trip to the mountains this weekend and Izzy got to help make apple juice just like her mommy has done since she was Izzy's age :)

Eleven Months

Taking penguin pictures is interesting these days...So many toys to play with...
I can tackle the penguin!!!
I can also stand on the chair and make mommy crazy!
Mommy finally convinced me to pose with the penguin :)

Charlie and Mommy hit the road to celebrate!

In early September Charlie and Mommy went back to Maryland to celebrate the baby naming for sweet Charlotte. We got to meet her and catch up with lots of family and friends. Sadly we left Izzy and Daddy home with a case of pink eye :) Charlotte and her sweet sister Alexandra.
Sally's old day time spouse along with her granddaughter and her real spouse.
Pregnant cousin Denise and her husband Scott. We can't wait to meet their baby girl soon!
The happy mommy Leah with her two girls along with Jeannie. It was great to catch up with the old work crowd.
Playing with Becca one of Daddy's old work friend's little girl
The Spivy Cousins are fun to play with.
Look Olivia can chase me. She is a week younger than I am :)
I love Chad and Cyrus!
Look Keisha is the one Izzy still talks about and look she has her own sweet boy!
I got to play with Edina and Cyrus...Izzy was very jealous!
Danielle is practicing for her sweet boy coming soon! Edina gets to be a big sister too.

Ten Month Penguin Pictures

Happy Big Sister
Ten months and 34 months
Happy boy
Tackle, tackle!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Izzy and Mommy are both at school. Izzy started Pre-primary, and Sally is back at work covering maternity leave and trying out working with two kids after a year of being at home. We are all keeping busy and Izzy is loving school. She doesn't want to come home. She has also never slept so well. Special thanks to her teachers for wearing her out completely. We are learning right along with her. We were told to use our "inside voices." :) Charlie is also now enjoying hanging out with some kids his own age at "school". It took some adjusting to being away from Mommy during the day but he is having fun with his friends. Mommy is enjoying using her teacher brain. We are all worn out at the end of the day :)!
First Day of School with a big backpack

Izzy gets to hang out in Mommy's big fifth grade class in the mornings.
Daddy is loving story time with both kids.

Wyoming and Horses

We had a great time with the Ashe side of the Family on the annual pilgrimage to Wyoming.Love from Uncle Obbie!
Yes we hiked all over Teton National Park with children strapped to us :)
Lots of horse rides for the big girl...Her brother was just there long enough for a picture :)
Happy was a great horse escort!


Charlie was baptized at the end of July. He was a very good boy during the service.
He didn't even wiggle out of Gary's arms to crawl.
We had the treat of the Martins coming to visit for Charlie's big day. Olivia was a good girl for her parents.
...and of course Sydney and Izzy had a ball together again...Izzy still points out Sydney's hotel on our way to school everyday.

So nice to play together!